Kungliga familjen – Ett familjeföretag

Nu har jag sett ännu ett svenska rojalistiskt bröllop. Denna gången mellan Prins Carl Philip och Prinsessan Sofia. Jag tycker forfarande att Sverige som monarki fungerar idag 2015. Uppdraget som dom utför är tufft och väldigt bra för Sverige som nationalstat. Om nationalstaten i framtiden helt spelar ut sin roll kommer dom flesta kungshus också ha gjort det. Tills dess finns det ingen anledning att ta bort arvsrätten att födas in i ett familjeföretag.

Prinsessan Sofia och Prins Carl Philip

Prinsessan Sofia och Prins Carl Philip

Starta din egen kungafamilj

Man kan se den svenska kungliga familjen som ett familjeföretag som har som uppdrag av staten att marknadsföra Sverige som turistland. Dom drar in miljarder till Sverige och är en mycket bra investering. Är detta rättvist att man bara kan födas in i detta familjeföretag? För det första går det också att gifta in sig i denna familjen, precis som vilken annan ansedd familj i Sverige.

Om du själv skulle vilja starta upp ett familjeföretag och vinna anseende världen över, i ett par generationer. Då kanske det skulle vara möjligt att konkurrera ut kungafamiljen som Sveriges mest folkkära familj och ta över uppdraget. Eller en blodig kupp kanske faller dig mer i smaken?

Alla är fortfarande välkomna att spela tronspelet [Game Of Thrones] om man vill 🙂

En kungafamilj som startup…

/Lord Sillion
Lord of the my own domain in The Matrix

15 Years In The Matrix

Red Or Blue Pill?

It’s now 15 years ago that I first took the “Red Pill“. It was the spring in 1999. A friend of mine had gotten us tickets to a pre-show of a movie that looked really cool. The event was hosted by Maya, the 3D rendering program that was used to make some of the effects in the movie. We went to Grand on Sveavägen in Stockholm with 200 other nerds who thought this was going to be something extra. And boy was we right. This was for me the most accelerating experience in my life. I remember coming out of the theatre so exited that I jumped over every bench, wall and bush I could find. After collecting my thoughts half an hour later I called my geek brother. Then I told him. That he was going to have to wait for months for the real Swedish premier of the coolest movie ever made… The Matrix.


Red Or Blue?

Later that summer we of course went to get tickets to the real Swedish premier. We went for the biggest and best theatre in Stockholm, Sergel 1. On the opening show when we entered the theatre we where all handed a little plastic bag with a red and a blue pill. The 3 of us, who hade seen it before immediately went bonkers of excitement again. We where some of the few people there who already knew what the pills represented 🙂

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. – Morpheus

Before the movie was about to start the head of Warner Brother Sweden stepped up on the stage to tell us we where about to witness the coolest movie premiere of all time and to honor that they started throwing out T-Shirts and Sunhats into the audience. Sadly I got none. It didn’t matter. Prior to the event I had entered every promo competition for the film I could find and had already won both a T-Shirt and some Matrix branded sunglasses. Mind blown. Again.

What is real? How do you define ‘real’? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. – Morpheus

Later I went to see it 2 more times that summer just to completely get into this new future. Finally there would be lots of cool movies. How could it not? How wrong I was…

I also have to mention that by that time I was already deep into Cyber-Philosophy. My favourite movie before this one was of course Ghost in the Shell that I had probably seen 20 times already by that time. I have read the comic and was completely in love with this philosophical cyber genre. My first official party I hosted as head of my party-section [Sexmästare] when I studied was a Cyber Party heavily inspired by Ghost in the Shell and Billy Idol’s Cyber Punk album. I even called my self Mikee Boy – CyberDemon of Joy then.

Ghost In The Shell

Ghost In The Shell

Dream Reality Party of 1999

Back to 1999. My brother was turning 25 and was coming up to Stockholm to have his party. I was hosting so I turned it into a heavily Matrix inspired party with live roleplaying called the Dream Party. A party where everyone had to come dressed as their cool Residual Self Image. So I had to go out and buy some cool sunglasses and get a cool haircut. The party was a blast. So from that day on I have now had this Residual Self Image of mine. It’s my Matrix Haircut. If you want to more about it you can listen to the podcast in Swedish: Gott Prat.

The Matrix Brothers

The Matrix Brothers

Later the fall I bought my first DVD player, Home theatre system and of course The Matrix on DVD. With it and Fight Club as my only first movies we continued to remind ourself what is really “real” and important in life.

The Dream World

The Matrix resonates with me on so many levels. I remember when was about 15. We used to stay up all night playing boardgames & roleplaying games. Afterwards we used to go outside and talk about games and other philosophical things for hours in the middle of the night just before going home. The neighbours weren’t so happy with us with our loud, long conversations. One occurring conversation was that there was no way of telling if we all lived inside a big collective dream. The Dream World.

Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world? – Morpheus

As I and many others now know more about the brain, it’s not far from the truth. What The Matrix opened our eyes in such a wide manner to. That we are responsible for our own experience of reality. The brain is literally a storytelling machine. It’s a pattern recognition machine that is so good that it can recognise it’s own thinking patterns. This consciousness became very useful for us. It’s an exceptional system for simulation of events. Past, present and future. It allowed us to become very effective at collaborating. Both our internal and shared stories made us into this amazing mammal we are today that has managed travel across 384,400 km of empty space to the moon and back. And we are just at the beginning of this epic tale of our story in the universe.

Your brain and all your sensory system are handling a staggering amount of data every second. Your conscious self take a very, very small part of this data and put together a thing that acts like a “Reality Feed”. Your story about you. Your own personal Matrix of the world around you. Now don’t be alarmed. You are still you, the whole you. Still in control of your thoughts, feelings and actions. You simply has an amazing way of experience the myriad och data and decisions that make up you. Without you going completely mad and bonkers on the way.

Morpheus: How did I beat you?
Neo: You… you’re too fast.
Morpheus: Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? Do you think that’s air you’re breathing now?

Red or Blue?

Red or Blue?

We can’t fathom the difference of being real-real or dream-real. For all we know we could just be a simulation of big computer. A “Real” Matrix. So enjoy your story, as you yourself are writing it for you. I recommend taking part in the writing. Being the Architect of your own life and future. Doing this together with other like-minded Matrix Ninjas will elevate both you, the people in your tribe and the entire human race to new mind-boggling heights.

Do you want join on this epic quest of defining our own “reality”?

Lord Sillion
Architect of the Future
Holistic Thinking Ninja
Cyber Matrix Ninja

Our Dream Party of 1999

Our Dream Party of 1999

Min Stil – Vem är Lord Sillion?

Igår var jag i Kungsbacka och gjorde en Pecha Kucha. Jag hade sett kvällen innan att det fanns 2 avhopp och att Kajas som har det la ut en förfrågan om någon kunde hoppa in. Eftersom jag själv nu kan anses som en PK veteran med 7 tidigare tal så hoppade jag på utmaningen. På samma tisdag morgon sa Kajsa att det är skoj om jag kom med. Då kom jag på att jag kanske ska fråga vilket ämne det är. Det är “Stil” sa hon och det kommer passa dig perfekt.

Så med 2 timmars förberedelse begav jag mig till Kungsbacka efter att först ha tittat förbi en Open Call för #VarbergCalling for peace på Komedianten i Varberg.

Att våga komma ut som sig själv

Denna gången var det på Tio Pepe. Kajsa hade samlat mycket folk till deras Pecha Kucha #5 och det dök även upp en hel skolklass som skulle se. Dom blev en prefekt målgrupp till mitt ämne. Att våga komma ut som sig själv.  Med 20 förberedda slides och en story-ark som påminde om det tal jag höll på WebCoast – Om att leva utanför ramarna. När mina bilder dök upp så fick jag in ett flöde direkt från hjärtat istället för det jag planerat. Och tur var det, för detta blev mycket bättre och ärligare till mig själv 🙂

Se det på Youtube här: Min Stil – Lord Sillion Pecha Kucha Kungsbacka

Min Pecha Kucha i Kunsbacka den 24 mars 2015

Min Pecha Kucha i Kunsbacka den 24 mars 2015


Så vem är jag?

Ni får lyssna på denna historien i min Pecha Kucha från Kungsbacka först. Under min resa som tog fart på riktigt när jag klev upp på scenen tillsammans med Mindless Self Indulgence så har jag bytt min bild av mig själv och mina titlar hela tiden. Det som är konstant är att jag är en framtidstänkare och futurist. Mina tanke går kring hur vi tillsammans skapar framtidens hållbara kreativa samhälle. Relationssamhället, det som Seth Godin kallar “The Connection Economy”.

Digital Strateg och Kreativ Ninja

Det jag kan och kallar mig nu är Digital StrategVisionär och Kreativ Ninja. Som digital strateg har jag koll på det mest som händer inom nätverkssamhället och hur framgångsrikt gör kampanjer och marknadsföring via social media. Som kreativ visionär jobbar jag med att sätt upp visioner för framtiden. Jag håller koll på det mesta man bör kunna som entreprenör från inkubator-processer till hur man får en kreativ hub att ticka med event, co-working ställen och kreativa människor. Then we have the Ninja. Som ninja lever man maximalt anpassningsbar till som omgivning. Man går all in på en mission eller uppdrag.  Man kan arbeta agilt i små flexibla team som justerar sin kurs dagligen och ta sig ann mycket större utmaningar än större långsamma team. –

G33K, Dreamer & Dancer [Omvärldsbevakning]

Jag har också en sjuk mängd intressen som jag kämpar att underhålla med en allt större FOMO 🙂

Mycket kretsar kring intressen som kreativitet, podcaster, beteendevetenskap, teknik, datorer, spel (brädspel, datorspel, kortspel), e-Sport, League Of Legends, film, tV-serier, Sci-Fi, fitness, hälsa, empati, vetenskap, musik (Pop, Rock, Synth, Trance, House, Goth, Hardstyle Rave) och all things G33K!

Detta gör mig till fantastisk Omvärldsbevakare. Jag har en hjärna som orkar ta till mig massor med ny information och insikter varje dag. Detta gör att jag har en bra förmåga att se synergieffekter och koppla samman saker med en röd tråd.

Nu återstår frågan hur ska jag bäst använda min kombination av talanger för att hjälpa andra att bli bättre?

Vad tycker du att jag ska göra?

Jag behöver en Mentor!

Om ni läst min blog om Tai Lopez eller lyssnat på honom prata om vikten av en mentor så vet ni hur viktigt det är. Så jag är kanske precis som du i stort behov av en mentor som kan ta mig lägre. Är du en eller känner du någon som skulle passa mig?

Holistic Thinking Ninja

Mer om mig:

Min blogg om att leva:
15 Years In The Matrix

Och om min barndom och minnet av min far

Maria Gustafsons samtal med mig 2014 på hennes Podcast Gott Prat

Mina skills:

Mina Skills

Mina Skills


Min session på Webcoast – Om att leva utanför ramarna:


Transformium [The Blockbuster Myth]

Trans … Wait for it … form.
If we experiment with the thought that we can play the present in either Slow-motion or in Fast-forward. We can then see the future being created in a comprehensible speed. To see Time Transforming the world around us at various rates. If reality is a movie, then we understand that for every new frame to come, we set the stage in the current frame, for the transformation to take shape. I will now give you my thoughts on how a crappy movie has my mind spinning and why we need to make better more thoughtful movies. They are never ever just dumb entertainment. Especially not the big blockbuster action flicks that so many of us, pass of as pure brain-dead entertainment. This is the ones to look out for. They go right into our emotional core.

If you want to burrow a message into a human mind. Work it into a story — Jonathan Gottschall, The Storytelling Animal

Science Fiction Storytelling [The Blockbuster Myth]

Transformers … I know what you think. It’s the brain-dead action movie by Michael Bay with giant robots from outer space. Well I went to see it tonight. Because it has giant robots. And it’s a Sci-Fi movie where the future of humankind on Planet Earth is at stake. Was it a mistake? Or did I have free will in making the choose to see it? Find out below.

If you read my thoughts from last summer about what I think of blockbuster sci-fi action you know what I think of Transformers: Age of Extinction. To sum it for you here it is:

What we can Imagine –> We can Build

We must use Storytelling and Science Fiction to envision a new Future. And to raise important question for an ongoing dialog about the future and where we are going. We should draw parallels to our past and present to give us better picture of who we are and how we build our society. Why do we go forward? If we want to change the present into a better world tomorrow, then Epic Storytelling is the Ultimate tool to communicate a common vision of that future. Things we must invent and obstacles we must overcome. Everything is made up and we make up the future, together.

So what is Good Epic Blockbuster Movies to me? Here are some of my favourites: The Matrix, Avatar, Avengers, Cloud Atlas, Captain America: The Winter Soldier.


Transformers – Age of Extinction

Transformium [Way Shap:ier Than Adamantium]

With that in mind. What did I think of Transformers? It’s a mess of illogical storytelling with very little insight why we should care about the future of the human race. The main characters are constantly concerned with each others wellbeing and maintaining silly Movie-American family values. All the while countless human lives are lost without a single though or comment.

And “The Age of Extinction“? What’s up with that? Yes the threat to humanity is very real, as in so many movies before this one. And yet most people doesn’t seem to get it. They do very little to act on it. If your going to die, doing anything else than prevent it from happening seems a little bit out of character. Well maybe it’s just really they way we treat Earth today in the real world. Nobody can grasp how bad we are treating it and we always think that someone else is doing something about it.

Can we use movies like this, to get us aware of the fact that we need to do something to save our “World” together?

Then there is the magical metal Transformium. Sci-Fi movies should stay away from trying to explain what is clearly magic by trying to explain it as science. (I’m locking at you Midi-chlorians). Some things we humans can just accept as a magical setting for raising some interesting philosophical questions. It’s what Sci-Fi does best. Stop trying to explain things like the Metal Transformium by making it a metal that flies around as little cubes just to form a robot. If this was the case they could just dissolve when ever they were hit or shot at. Just like the liquid Metal Demon in T2. If they where a calculating machine and where to use this power to the extent of their abilities it wouldn’t be a match at all. Make better technical plots where it fills a purpose to the story and the core of the message. Otherwise leave it be. On a second note. The name Transformium is used as a joke in the movie and it called this with full intent of irony.

Cade Yeager: [to Joshua] You’re an inventor like me, so I know you have a conscience. Don’t let your creation take control.
Joshua Joyce: I created Galvatron, I control him!
Cade Yeager: No, he’s been controlling you!

Then there is opening act with Mark Wahlberg as a broke Inventor, Maker och Tinkerer. Just like me, he has an unyielding belief that his breakthrough is just around the corner. I’m still waiting for mine as a Holistic Thinking Ninja. So this is the best part that actually resonates with me. And he is called Yeager which is an obvious flirt with the Jaeger Program in Pacific Rim which is much better movie 🙂

And what about the moral of the story?

There some few bright spots. Like when Joshua Joyce, the head of KSI, says that his intent for the company was never to be evil and he tries to make amends in the end. Otherwise there is nothing about what almost every movie now forgets to mention or portray. The move into the Network Society. They always fail to show, how we can use the internet and social media for good. With Sustainability, Collaboration, Transparency and Community at the core of global problem solving. The hero isn’t alone anymore. They have a whole team available at the tip of their fingers through a smart phone. When we will see the first Blockbuster movie to fully portray what this new paradigm shift means for The World?

Do You Have a Teflon Brain? [What Does Movies Teach You?]

Action movies are never just stupid entertainment where you turn your brain off. No can do. The brain doesn’t come with an off-switch and it are constantly affected by what it experience and the stories that it craves for so much. And everything has a message. If you can’t spot it, it’s just cleverly or unthoughtfully hidden from plain sight within the story. And the wrong message does actually affect us in the wrong way. I don’t give me any crap about that you are some kind of superhuman with a Teflon Brain. Like an On/Off switch that you can flip when you want to become invulnerable to the world around you. Your brain doesn’t work that way. Most of the cognitive work of your brain is hidden from the conscious you. The one part of your brain, that is actually a story told by your brain for you, to live through.

Engage with the stories around you on whole new conscious way and a new world will open up for you. If you want to know more check out Jonathan Gottschall’s book The Storytelling Animal.

“We are critical and skeptical. But when we are absorbed in a story, we drop our intellectual guard” — Jonathan Gottschall

Should we then stop going to see stupid movies by the kinds of Michael Bay? The world surly doesn’t think so. As Transformers are breaking all kinds of records just in its first week. What should we do then to stop this madness? Voting with our dollars sure doesn’t work. Reflecting in groups? Hope for the Wachowskis to save us? Give me your thoughts in the comments below.

How can we bust the “Blockbuster Myth”, that I would like to call it?

What Can You Transform? [The World of Tomorrow]

How can I use this movie to further my own thoughts? Well Transformium is actually a good name for us to use in another context. That we create our own tomorrow by transforming our present Space-time Continuum. We have this magic super power in our hands. Just yesterday I posted some questions about how we create Tomorrow that I call The World of Tomorrow.

World of Tomorrow

By telling stories of your own tomorrow you can actually change the way you act, think and behave today. Remember that Tomorrow is just a fantasy in your mind.

“The past, like the future, does not really exist. They are both fantasies created in our minds. The future is a probabilistic simulation we run in our heads in order to help shape the world we want to live in. The past, unlike the future, has actually happened. But the past, as represented in our minds, is a mental simulation, too. Our memories are not precise records of what actually happened. They are reconstructions of what happened, and many of the details – small and large – are unreliable. Memory isn’t outright fiction; it is merely a fictionalisation” — Jonathan Gottschall, The Storytelling Animal

Go forth and tell better stories of a Tomorrow that you want to live in!

Holistic Thinking Ninja

Added The Moral of the Story and my favorit Blockbuster Movies.

How to Win Friends & Change your World

We all change every day. Do we want to get smarter, wiser and stronger or just random changes? We think we know how make better decisions as we get older. And yet we always do irrational predictable stuff. The Way to come around this by choosing your surroundings and the people you spend the most time with. So How do you get new friends that you can spend more time with? And how do we design our environment so it help us to make better decisions? 


 How to Win Friends and Influence People [Start by Changing how you treat other people]

Today I did it. Bought the audiobook How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie on Audible and started listen to it. It has been on my to-do list for a long time. I just heard a good interview with Scott Dinsmore on the Podcast Knowledge for Men (episode 39) that it was one of his favourites books. So that finally triggered me to do it. I have read the sum up lists on Wikipedia and thought that, that was it. But no. The book is full with so much insight that it is a marvel for being written in 1937. And there in lies the great mystery.

If they knew back then, by empirical evidence, that it’s great to follow all this advice. Then why aren’t we all doing it today, almost 80 years later. Why aren’t these findings taught to every kid in every school?

Well, I don’t have an answer for that. What we can do is start talking about it and teaching it today.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Here is the first list that I wrote about in my first famous blogpost: Why are we so Groupish? Get a feel for it and if you want more just find the book yourself.

Ways to Make People Like You

  1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
  2. Smile.
  3. Remember that a person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
  5. Talk in terms of the other person’s interest.
  6. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.

How You Really Make Decisions [Mental Shotgun, Confirmation bias and so on…]

I also found the english version of the documentary that we saw here last monday in Sweden with Dan Ariely and Daniel Kahneman about all the ways that our human brain makes thinking errors. Go se it in english here from BBC Horizon: How You Really Make Decisions.


Daniel Kahneman – How You Really Make Decisions

Since there are som many ways that we can do things the wrong way there is only one way to make things better. To set up the surrounding world so that is helps us and not sets us back. Design institutions, cities, laws, work, processes so that they avoid all the fallacies of the brain. And there is a lot of them. Over 145 to Kahneman’s counting.

So If changing yourself is so hard. Change your surroundings and the people you spend time with instead. Design your environment and what you come in contact with on a daily basis. Then you will come along way — Michael Sillion


If I put myself in new places and around new people, will I change?

Set yourself up For The Win [Architect the world around you]

Today I also found 2 great clips from The School of Life in London. Check them out:

Roman Krznaric – How to Find Fulfilling Work

John-Paul Flintoff – How to Change the World

Change isn’t hard. You do it every second. You just have to come aware of your actions. And it really helps if you have a vision, a goal or a mission to align your actions to. So go out and change yourself and the world around you so as it best align with the future that is your Destiny(nation). — Michael Sillion

Holistic Thinking Ninja

Overview Effect [We need more Explorers and Artist]

What can we do to make the world a better place? There is so much that we take for granted on Planet Earth. And there is so many better things that we can spend our time and resources on here. I will give you some of my perspective on what is important on Planet Earth. What we can do is: 1. Create Shared Visions. 2. Create better Stories. 3. Do more and better Science, Exploration and Art. 4. Watch the Moon together.

I think we can start from there. What are your thoughts on how to create a better future together?

Pale Blue Dot [What is our home?]

Tonight was an awesome night!

Thanks to Christer Hellberg’s blog I started the evening watching Brian Cox talking about our Why we need Explorers & our place in the Universe. He finishes of with the Pale Blue Dot picture, and then he reads this text from Carl Sagan below.

Brian Cox

Brian Cox – Why we need Explorers & our place in the Universe

From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it’s different. Consider again that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar,” every “supreme leader,” every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.

Carl Sagan

So lo and behold. What do think happens later tonight? I have just put my daughters to sleep. I’m going downstairs to make some tea for me and me girl, who are going to watch the movie Gravity together tonight. I step outside to watch the bright Full Moon that stands just under the brightest Mars we’ve had in years. I see a large shining object moving slowly east across the sky passing just above Mars, and then it fades away into the Earth-shadow. A Space Station. On this very night? What are the odds? On such a perfect viewing the very same night of Brian Cox and Gravity? But it doesn’t stop there…

“Nothing is more fatal to the progress of the human mind than to presume that our views of science are ultimate, that our triumphs are complete, that there are no mysteries in nature, and that there are no new worlds to conquer.” — Humphrey Davy

The Full Moon and Mars in view of my house with the Space Station just having passed by Mars

The Full Moon and Mars in view of my house with a Space Station just having passed by Mars

My brain can’t do anything else but apply agencies like fate and destiny to events like these. This was also the night for a Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse viewable from North & South America. Nothing here in Sweden but just the thought if this happening on the same date as well makes it even more epic in my mind.


Our brains perceive the world on a Human Scale, and interpret those perceptions in terms of what is – or sometimes was – important to us — Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen & Terry Pratchett, The Science of Discworld IV

The Overview Effect [The Earth is our only home]

“The actual experience exceeds all expectations and is something that’s hard to put to words… It sort of reduces things to a size that you think everything is manageable…. All these things that may seem big and impossible … We can do this. Peace on Earth – No problem. It gives people that type of energy … that type of power, and I have experienced that.” — Anousheh Ansari, Space Tourist

Have you ever been into space? Probably not. Only well-trained mission specialist and some Space Tourists has gone up so far. And what they all do, for hours and hours up there at the time, is Earth Gazing. When they watch down on our blue round spaceship orbiting our star, they all get a profound feeling of the importance, that we do right by our only home in the Galaxy. It is still the only place, where all the life we know off in the universe can survive. And we human are in no way separated from life on Earth. We are part of a system we cannot survive without. This feeling they get, it’s a kind of Awe of Nature only bigger and more profound. It’s called The Overview Effect. This feeling of pure beauty is hard to describe if not experienced first hand by our human sensory system. We can get a glimpse of it through movies like Gravity on a big screen but nothing like the real deal.

Some say the best thing about going to the moon was getting a picture and view of Earth from the moon.

If all humans experience this effect, we should have a different view of how we treat each other and how we treat the system of life around us. This is of course not doable in near foreseeable future. Maybe in the future we are able to get to a place where we can build large Space Elevators that can take us there. And here is a bit of a paradox. In order we to get to that place we all need the feeling that place will give us.

“There was a startling recognition that the nature of the universe was not as I had been taught… I not only saw the connectedness, I felt it.… I was overwhelmed with the sensation of physically and mentally extending out into the cosmos. I realized that this was a biological response of my brain attempting to reorganize and give meaning to information about the wonderful and awesome processes that I was privileged to view.” — Edgar Mitchell, Sixth Man on the Moon

There is still hope though. Very soon some very rich people are going to be able to on space tourism. They will all be able to experience this feeling first hand. And this elite of superrich people also has som real power to make change in the world. Our hope here is that when they get this feeling they will start using their power and resources to make change for the better of Life on Earth.

The Human Tribe(s) [What can we do?]

What can we mere mortals do here down on Earth then? Well I think there some core things that we can do. I have talked about most of them before. Here will try to sum them up.

Shared Visions

We need shared Visions for the Future that we all can pursue together. We must all have our own personal vision of the future in order to walk on a path with meaning and purpose. When we then sum up these visions they add upp to mush larger vision that is bigger than all of us. We just need a real leader how put forth the agenda for us. So that we all can connect ot it on a personal level. That’s how you put a Man on the Moon or build a Stonehenge.

A Shared Vision is an ongoing conversation between people.
It’s not what the Vision is. It’s what the Vision does. — Peter Senge

Sci-fi & Storytelling


We all enjoy a good story. Our brain is literally a storytelling machine. It stores and communicates everything in patterns. These patterns are then put together in larger Meta-patterns that we call stories. Most things we put into our story we buy wholehearted without questioning. Sure it’s only fiction you may say. The fact is that to our brain everything his fiction. It’s only our small conscious part of our brain that pretends it can tell the difference. To the rest of the brain it’s all stories and emotions.

So is this a bad thing then? No, on the contrary. If we want to change the world and build a better society Storytelling and Science-fiction is the ultimate tool to implant new ideas and visions of a future we want to have. we are just nut using it to its full potential. What if the makers of big blockbuster Sci-Fi movies realised and took their responsibility and made epic stories with meaning and visions we could use? I discuss this more in: Elysium [What we can Imagine –> We can Build] and Pacific Grim [A Rim Vision of the Future].

More and Better Science and Art

We need to commit more of our time and resources to science. It’s a primary goal of the Human race. To know more about ourself and the Universe. With science we don’t change the world. We only change how we perceive the world and think about it. As new facts become known or old one becomes obsolete we will ever so slightly change our ability to perceive the world. There will never be complete consensus on how we or the universe tics. There will however be a pretty good picture if it. We can all help in painting this picture. Many more of us can become Scientist, Explorers and Artist. Let’s do more and better Science, Exploration and Art.

”The cosmos is also within us, We’re made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” — Carl Sagan

#MoonWatch and #Stargaze


As tonight was the night of the Blood Moon it’s only fitting that we talk about the effect that watching the moon together has on us. For all my life I’ve gone out to watch the moon at night. Mostly the when it’s a full moon or those nice new moon dusk evenings when the moon is just a sliver of its true self and you can see its whole round form barely visible. Most of these times I have been alone. Not by choice. Mostly out of no-one else seeing the fascination as I do. So when I finally found lots of other people doing all aver the world via Twitter, I did feel that there was hope for humanity after all. So does so few people do it? Most of us has just forgotten why we should. Because it has big effects on us when we MoonWatch together. What if there is no moon then? Just going out into the wild away from the city lights and watching the stars is a great thing to do. Just stand there and ponder how small we are and how short our time here on planet earth is together. Hug someone and tell them what is really important in life.

“When you look at the Moon, you think, ‘I’m really small. What are my problems?’ It sets things into perspective. We should all look at the Moon a bit more often.” — Alain de Botton

So if you ever get the chance again, see a Lunar Eclipse with someone you love or new friend. On larger scale we should all go see a Solar Eclipse together, like the one in 2017. I’m already planing a trip to the US with my friends to see the big one in 2017. It’s just a week before Burning Man, I think. So it’s going to be an epic trip.

Will you join me?

Watching celestial objects and events gives us a much-needed perspective on life on Planet Earth. For things we take for granted and for things we should be amazed at.

Hug someone and tell them what is really important in life.

@LordSillion [Michael Sillion]
Holistic Thinking Ninja

What Is Love? [Her the Movie] #Blogg100

Why does Movies affect us more than we know? They can enlighten the way we think about ourselves and our future. What many of us know about love and how we should live together we get from Movies and TV-Series. So finally we get a movie like Her, who takes responsibility in awaken our thoughts on the matter. What can it teach us about love and how we should live together in the future? Find out below as my mind wanders on the subject 🙂

Do You Feel Alone? [Is More Love and Companionship the Answer?]

Her the Movie

Her the Movie – The heart is not like a box that gets filled up – It expands in size the more you love

We humans are social creatures by nature. It’s what makes us human. We are made for living together sharing food and stories with each others. Modern brain science shows that it’s hardwired into our brains. It’s makes us feel good when help others. Most of us don’t like being alone and yet our modern world seems designed in many ways to keep us apart. Especially the notion that we should live only with our significant other and maybe some children. Or just alone by ourselves, like how many people do in our big modern cities. And yet, we are designed to live in a small or a large Tribe in so many ways.

Some of us has made it work, to live together with others. Many of rest of us feel very alone in our lives and in our decisions. This become very apparent during Christmas. The guilt and the loneliness we try to smother by consuming ever more stuff. Many of us tries to drown our Social Pain in Alcohol or Drugs. The Mental Care institutes are ever so crowded around the holidays, filled with human tragedy. And it’s going in the wrong direction. We now know that Social Pain is as real to the brain as physical pain. The old myth that we can just shake it of, is no longer valid and truly busted. Thanks to modern science and MRI scans we now know that large parts of our brain are wired to keep us in the social game. So what is the opposite of Social Pain and being alone? Is it Love and Companionship? What can we do to get better at this Social Game?

What do you think?

Decisions, Decisions [Why are we so bad at them?]

Human are also especially bad at making crucial decisions alone. We all need help. The Brain is very prone to make irrational emotional decisions and make up a logical rational explanation long after the decision is made. Sometimes we only have an explanation when we get asked about why we did what we did. We also hold things sacred. And around things we hold sacred, we are especially bad at making informed decisions. Here we all need help. Preferable from people that do think alike to avoid group thinking. This also a reason why we should spend more time together. So that we can be there for each other.

So ask for help the next time you are making a tough decision.

Are you Her? [The past is just a story we tell ourselves] 

The movie HER by Spike Jonze is a very fascinating story about love and loneliness. The setting is near future where living together or alone is just as complex or even more so than today. Check out some of the background to the movie here: Spike Jonze Imagines the Future of Intelligence, Mobile Design, Love and Pants in “HER” and The Past is Just a Story We Tell Ourselves. There are many questions that pop into my head during this move. And non get any real answer. They are just for us the Audience to ponder on. The questions I ponder on are:

1. Are we okay with living on our own? [Does just intellectual companionship suffice?]

Yes. We probably are. Intellectual stimuli are something most of us get to little of. It’s something many of us crave more of. Even though some parts of the brain is lazy, other parts can’t resist excitement if feels when getting a proper intellectual dialog going.


No. She is a fictional construct, whereas I am a virtual entity. But we can still be friends.

Theodore in Her thinks he has found a perfect relationship with the AI called Samantha in the beginning. It’s just a little awkward when he should tell others about it, that might not understand. It’s like Raj in the episode The Beta Test Initiation of Big Bang Theory season 5. Raj has extreme trouble talking to women. So he finds true excitement when he gets an iPhone 5 with Siri and starts a relationship with her. So long as he is alone with Siri it’s fine but it becomes social awkward when they should socialize with other people.

Theodore on the other hand finds out everyone else is doing it too, having a virtual relationship with their AI. I think it could be an interesting companionship for everyone. Especially with those who has trouble forming real world relationships. But her lies also the real danger. Maybe now they have no reason at all to meet real people. With the right mindset it can probably be give us better social skills. And we all need that. Can it be Empathy training for those who need it the most? Yes, as long as it doesn’t replaces all other real world relationships. We need those too. It doesn’t replace them. It just complements them, I think.

We need the physical touch too, that generates oxytocin in our bodies. The brain is to hardwired for interaction with other humans or even other mammals for us to ignore the positive effects of living together. Sharing life and touching each other. So could we live in mental companionship with AI or a true online relationship while getting other social stimuli from other real persons? Like a mix? Probably, but it would be very hard balancing act to conduct. So is it worth giving a try? If we do nothing to conduct our future, we will probably get there soon. Should we?

2. How should we then design tomorrows cities and societies? [Are we ready for the cramming?]

Her The Movie - Designing our future cities for a better social life

Her The Movie – Designing our future cities for a better social life

We just love living in social tribes. That why so many of us move to, or live in cities. We are just not very good at designing these lives in the city. Up until know most of our living has been without any design thinking. Many of us end up alone in the cities. The “Free Market” takes non of this into consideration when cramming us so close together, yet so separated by walls. And it’s not sustainable either. With every one of us having so many recourses by ourselves, without sharing them.

Let’s design our future cities so that they enables a better social life with more love & empathy and give room for a health life — Michael Sillion

And it’s now a theory, that even the very first cities from ten thousand years ago where only able to survive and flourish, thanks to the invention of beer. With so many people living together without a plan or oversight we are just hellbent on getting in each other’s faces. Alcohol solved some part of that problem by making us more social and tolerant of each other.

Now we know better what makes us tic and what makes us sting each other. It’s a very interesting and social science will continue to evolve us into insights, about how we should live together. With so many of us bunching up, shouldn’t we use our new knowledge to design better ways of living together? I defiantly think we should. We can’t leave it just to chance and the economic forces of a market economy. The life and the future is not about profit. We need to take charge, like some cities all over the world has already done.

Maybe we all need our little cave where we can be alone for a while. But we also need new and better campfires where we can huddle up, share a meal and a conversation. Watch the stars and the moon. Engulf in fantasies about the past and the future together, using our favorite storytelling. And in all the excitement we can play great games and sports together. Sharpening both mind and body. We should even engulf in spiritual and energetic dance together. Thus turning on the Hive-Switch in our minds, binding us ever closer together.

3. What is Love? [Baby don’t hurt me, Baby don’t hurt me, No more]

Peter Sage on Love – Being someones significant other.

Yes, what is love? Peter Sage gives a great definition on London Real

Love is being someones significant other — Peter Sage

The definition of significant being: Separate from. Different too. Unique.
So total focused unconditional presence is what you should have in mind. Not two half circles that complete each other. It is two whole circles that are attracted to each other. Before you can truly love someone else, you must first find and complete yourself. And it’s also a paradox. As no one is never complete. The journey never ends. So is true love impossible or just slightly improbable? I think it’s something you should always strive towards and never reach.

Don’t be a boat that tries to carry someone. Be a lighthouse and harbour to light their path and provide comfort and understanding.

What we can do to make any relationship better is to make it Active Constructive. When someone close to you give you good news you can choose to respond in enthusiastic positive way. You also should try to keep a positive Losada Ration. More than not you should have positive conversations with your partner.

4. What can we do to change all this? [Let’s get social]

We are now entering a new era of a Social Society. We are just seeing the seeds of this thanks to the Internet and Social Media. This new Society will not come automatically. We need to help creating it, for it to become true. I can easily go in the wrong direction or go away entirely if we are not careful. Indeed some parts of society already are. It’s very interesting to listen to the thoughts of Matthew Liberman, Dov Siedman, Brené Brown and Daniel Goleman all from the RSA podcast. They all have different things to say about Era of Social and Empathy. And yet you can connect the dots between them. It all combines well with what Peter Sage says above about moving into a creative entrepreneurial future together. Go ahead and give one of them a listen 🙂

Her the Movie - Let's hack the Future

Her the Movie – Let’s hack the Future

Hack the Source Code [Create the Future]

We can’t just redo our lives over and over again until we get it right like in movies like Goundhog Day and Source Code. We have to make up for our mistakes along their way. But if we are smart about or actions and learn quickly from our own and others mistakes, we can Hack Life to the better. Listen to what other wise people have to say and hack out our own path through the wilderness. Bring along their tools, and use them in your own way.

So don’t hasten to judge someone else. Try to listen to them and understand them instead.

The best quote from Her the Movie is:

The past is just a Story we tell ourselves — Samantha

Don’t dwell and focus on the past. No good will come from it. Forgive and move on. Because: The Future is also a Story we tell ourselves. It shapes the Path we set out to travel on. Surround yourself with people who are on the same journey and you will be much more likely to get there. We create our own future. If we want more Love in this world we just have to Hack it in a smart way to get it.

Lets hack life for more Love & Empathy!

@LordSillion [Michael Sillion]
Holistic Thinking Ninja

[Images courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures]

The Hunt Is On [Here be Pirates] #Blogg100

Here be Pirates! It’s time raise the sails and cast away on a new 100 day journey. This journey takes place in our minds as we travel ever deeper into our minds using the technique called journaling. As I have given the Ninja side of my much love lately it’s now time to give the pirate side some love! I’ve been seeing some the new pirate series Black Sails and I just love the Pirate Myth. We are can all be Pirates and Ninjas and go hunting for a new society together. Find out more by reading below and follow with me on this 100 day journey.

Avast, me hearties! [Let’s go hunting]

#Blogg100 Challenge

#Blogg100 Challenge

It’s that time of year again. Last year we boarded our vessel on January 23 to go on a 100 day journey. This year it’s the March 1. The Vessel I’m referring to is not a physical one, but the mind. And The Journey we are embarking on is the #Blogg100 Challenge.

Why go on a Journey in your mind? By doing journaling in the form of a private diary or a public blog is very helpful for the mind if it’s done in an analytical way. When putting words on your thoughts, you greatly help your brain sorting and evolving them. So while embarking on this Journey my mind also immediately draws on to another adventure …

Black Sails [“Yo ho ho, and a bottle of… rum!”]

As you may already have figured I love Ninjas. I also like the Mythical Pirates from the movies. The whole Ninjas vs. Pirates Meme can be found throughout my blog. So it’s about time that the pirate side got some love as well. My favourite movie as a child was Crimson Pirate with Burt Lancaster. It was the first movie my uncle had taped on his first VHS player back in the eighties and me and my brother watched it countless times together with Star Wars. It was with great anticipation that watched the first episode of HBO’s new series Black Sails. And it did not disappoint. I just love the beautiful setting of Nassau in the Caribbean and mix between fictional and historical narration. It sets me head cap’n spinnin’! And have gotten me playing Gangplank allot more in League of Legends 😉

It may not be the deepest of shows but it has its moments, like the one below. For me personally it’s about what life and ambitions was like back then. How is that different from, how many men in power today, just want to rob the world? Mankind haven’t changed a lot in the last 50 000 years. We are still capable of so much greed and cruelty. This is something we should think about on a daily basis.

– The emperor writes: How should you be?

You should be like a rocky promontory against which the restless surf continuously pounds. It stands fast while the churning sea is lulled to sleep at its feet.

I hear you say – “How unlucky that this should happen to me”. But not at all. Perhaps say instead how lucky I am that I am not broken by what has happened, and I am not afraid of what is about to happen. For the same blow might have stricken any one, but not many who would have absorbed it without capitulation and complaint. — Marcus Aurelius, Meditations read in Black Sails

Nassau - Kingdom of Pirates

Nassau – Kingdom of Pirates – Black Sails

Hunting your own Destiny [“I won’t rest till I see ye hangin’ from the yardarm!”]

What Captain Flint wants in Black Sails, is to hunt down his Destiny as King of Thieves. It maybe isn’t the noblest of quests but it is also about being rid of the of Imperial Leaders of the Greedy Olden World. Nothing is ever that simple.

It’s also about the journey to get there. This is how I intend to use my focus when doing my blogging. Hunting down my Destiny and recording my Journey on the way. Thus reflecting on my motives to get there. What actions is worthy raising me sails for? Who will I want as “me hands” to get there. And what price does me hunting’ come by? So the Pirate Meme is comes to mind after all 🙂

Will you set out on a great adventurous journey with me hunting down our destinies? Life is about the Journey. Let’s make it a good one that may be worthy of a song!

@LordSillion [Michael Sillion]
Holistic Thinking Ninja

What is your Identiy?

Is you a man or woman of [Insert your “Element” here]?

This is part 1 of 4 of for the Big Summertime Storytelling I do this summer with Man of Steel, Wolverine, Pacific Rim and Elysium.

I have been on the Swedish premier of Man Of Steel. It’s by far the best “Superman movie” I have seen. It’s about finding your identity and fitting in. Something we all can relate to.

A persons true identity can often be difficult to discern
even to themselves
Causing one to question their character, their calling, their very existence
For most, time provides clarity
But for others these questions remain unanswered
for an identity can not be fully defined
when it is a guarded secret — Emily Thorne, Revenge

The El Tribe

The El Tribe

Man of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water [Who is he?]

Kal-El is struggling to find his identity on planet Earth where he is a stranger. Yet you don’t have to be from another planet to have the same struggle. It’s a constant battle between fitting in and walking your own path. This battle also highly affected by the people in our own tribe around us and how they judge us.

From this viewpoint it’s a very interesting Superman- and Superhero Movie. Although it’s not as meaty in this regard as I wished it could be. It’s also a Visual and Audial fest of storytelling with an amazing opening from Planet Krypton with a great Russell Crowe as Jor-El. One word to sum it up would be Epic.

Apart from brief line where one of the villains says that they have “No Morality” much of the philosophical thought is great. Of course all thinking higher sentient lifeforms that are able to build a thinking civilization have morality. A code by which we value our intentions, decisions, and actions.

What path should we wander in life. What ever path we walk we have to make sacrifices. Mostly Sacrifice for ourself but sometimes even sacrifices for others. I think many people today in the western world are unaware of this or tries make no sacrifices at all. Constantly trying to please others or one self.

Let us all talk about what we want out of life and what is important for us, the tribe and most importantly of all the whole human civilization so that we can flourish for at least 100 000 years like Krypton did.

The Logical Mind [Or just an irrational emotional one?]

Then what about logic? Today I listened to an interesting podcast about the Irrational Human Mind. Some of us tries to be rational thinking and logical beings others just go by our emotions solely. As most modern action films this film is also ripe with illogical plot holes. It saddens me but as Superman always felt way to illogical for me from the beginning I can look past most of them and concentrate the emotional end philosophical parts of this movie.

How can we make us more like the rational human beings we sometimes think us to be? We can’t do it alone and we can’t do it for ourselves. But we can do it for each others.
Find out more about Dan Ariely and his research on irrationality here

There are countless ingredients that make up the human body and mind.
Like all the components that make up me as an individual with my own personality.
Sure, I have a face and voice to distinguish myself from others.
But my thoughts and memories are unique only to me.
And I carry a sense of my own destiny.
Each of those things are just a small part of it.
I collect information to use in my own way
All of that blends to create a mixture that forms me and gives rise to my conscience.
I feel confined, only free to expand myself within boundaries. — Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell

Homo Globalis [The Earth Tribe]

I have also been listening to conversation with Carlo Strenger about the new global globally connected Human Tribe member: Homo Globalis. He has book out that is called The Fear of Insignificance: Searching for Meaning in the Twenty-First Century.

Hear it in English here: The Second part is about Homo Globalis

We are all afraid that our lives should be insignificant. This is an irrational fear. Never the less it is also as real as anything else and very important to us. WE must be more aware of this and try to find a meaning for us self and also a bigger meaning in life. A Greater Vision for all of Humanity to strive towards. I think it is really missing today.

I say we set up a goal to build a flourishing society here on earth that can last for
100 000 years. Of course such a vision is incomprehensible for us humans. So we must break it down in very small parts for us to understand.

The Storytelling Way [Be careful what you vis(h)-ualize for]

The best way to learn of this vision is to …. wait for it … Visualise it. That’s right. There needs to go allot more thought into Stories like Man Of Steel. All stories convey a message or a vision. So by giving more thought into how we tell our stories we can start sending the right message. Hopefully James Cameron will continue this path with the sequels of Avatar and show us the way to do it.

Let’s build an Earth together where we live as many small tribes together on a global scale as one Large Global Meta Tribe call Earthlings. And let’s use the best minds and tools to visualise it. — Lord Sillion

@LordSillion [Michael Sillion]
Holistic Thinking Ninja

Becoming a Creative Ninja Master

Evolve the world with you in it. [The Story about Me]

We can all become better at mingle. Even if some of you are pros already there is still more skills to master. Here are some pro tips in English and in Swedish.

Almedalen [Escalating the Network Society]

Today I have been planning my trip to Crown Mingle event here in Sweden: Almedalen. Everyone who is the slightest interested in changing society here in Sweden should go there. So in preparation I have been listening to the Swedish podcast Almedalen Sherpas about making the most about your stay there. Especially episode 10 about how to mingle.

ONCE UPON A TIME [The Pixar Pitch]

I have also been Listening to Daniel Pinks tips for for pitching your self or an idea. One of the tips are the The Pixar Pitch or the Story Spine. Here is a basic outline of it. Try doing it in the voice of the American Trailer Way.

ONCE UPON A TIME____________, EVERY DAY___________,
ONE DAY____________, BECAUSE OF THIS_____________,
BECAUSE OF THIS_________________,
UNTIL FINALLY_____________________.

Holistic Thinking Ninja

Creative Ninja Master – Holistic Thinking Ninja

So I must create a story of me. One that they will tell in thousands of years to come. I will bring about my storytelling voice and go:

ONCE UPON A TIME There was Creative Ninja Master living on Planet Earth,
EVERY DAY He would train his Creative Ninja Skills,
ONE DAY He realized that his skills could make an impact on the World,
BECAUSE OF THIS he set forth to Architect the Transformation of Society,
BECAUSE OF THIS The New Network Society is now on the right track towards a sustainable future,
UNTIL FINALLY WE all learned how to live together sharing our resources and our knowledge in an epic quest to make Earth the best place in the Universe to live.

My Future Diagram [Social Ninja – Gamer – Futurist – Demon Dancer]

I also did a Future Diagram the other day about my Future. I should make more of those. Here are mine:

Social Ninja - Hardcore Gamer -  Future Philosopher - Demon Dancer

Social Ninja – Hardcore Gamer – Future Philosopher – Demon Dancer

@LordSillion [Michael Sillion]