The Nation State Boardgame

How do we get people thinking about how we design our world and society? What if you could simulate and redo your choices everyday? Is the society you see around you the result of som serious systems thinking? And, if not, then why not? Can we make the world like a boardgame? And can we use games to make people act out their inner desires to build an empire without them damaging our only world in the process?

Are You A Civilisation Builder? [Simulating Society Building]

Being a politician and playing the game called “The Nation State” is just like when I play any Civilization boardgame or Logistics boardgame except for one big difference. I can redo my choices every time I play my game.

Clash of Cultures the Civilization Boardgame

Clash of Cultures the Civilization Boardgame

In my games there are always many schools, strategies and tactics you can use to build a great nation or economic engine. You can experiment and see what works from game to game. In real life it’s a bit more complicated. The biggest problem is that each individual has their own life at stake for the choices they make. Another one is that changing the system can’t be done in a couple of hours and then back again.


Ancient Worlds – Building a Civiliztion through Colonialism

This all comes down to a very slow and inflexible system where no one wants to innovate and try new stuff.

My idea is that all decision makers should play more boardgames where they run a Nation State where they are exposed to a myriad of other options into how to run a society. Wouldn’t it we great if everyone worked together to build a better society instead of just forwarding their own personal agenda. What is your idea on how to make a better society? Is the Networked Society changing all this? Will transparency and openness shine a light on what the people in power really are doing? Can we help them in some way?

Setting up a trading family inside the Roman Empire in the game Concordia

Setting up a trading family inside the Roman Empire in the game Concordia

Increase Your Cognitive Thinking [Design The World Around You]

Me, myself, love the both social and cognitive exercise, that playing modern designer boardgame is. Have you tried it? And have you then reflected on what systems the boardgame are simulating?

Bring your brain out of its default power saving mode by doing everything on routine and into the creative curious high energy mode of learning new stuff very day – Lord Sillion

We can do this. Try to se the world and things happening around you in new light each day. What is happening and why? Has someone deliberately designed the system or is just and emerging effect of other small steps and choices?

Lord Sillion
Holistic Thinking Ninja