Ruckusmaker Day

In honor of the 60th birthday of Steve Jobs on February 24th we celebrate what Seth Godin calls #RuckusmakerDay. That means you should do something out of the ordinary. Connect with someone, share your thoughts in a blog. Don’t just share a story. Make a story worth sharing. What Navid Modiri calls #storydoers. Here in Varberg we want to make change with #VarbergCalling for peace with Empathy, Creativity and Innovation. On 24th February I will hold a quick workshop in how to make change using Social Media in Varberg during Open Call. And I will attend an Entrepreneur meet-up to help other entrepreneurs to get up to speed with the connection economy. Steve_Crazy

Make a Ruckus!

Commit to articulating your point of view on one relevant issue, one news story, one personnel issue. Every day. Online or off, doesn’t matter. Share your taste and your perspective with someone who needs to hear it. Speak up. Not just tomorrow, but every day. — Seth Godin

So what does it mean to make a Ruckus? Seth Godin explains it well in his talk at 99u. Making a ruckus means to do something that stands out. Something that might not work and that isn’t for everyone. To make something that would be missed if you didn’t. You do this by surrounding yourself with people who will challenge and inspire you to take your work, your art to the next level. To do something that builds connection so that someone else can use it to tell a story about themselves and the tribe they live in.

On Ruckusmaker Day you are encouraged to speak up, to have an opinion on something you care about. Too often we fall back on other people’s views and actions, we retweet their words and their thoughts – we feel safer riding on someone else’s shoulders.

Why is suddenly okay to do this work, that has never been done before in history? Because now it’s free to fail. With the power of the networked society we can no try something out and iterate or do something new until we succeed. In this paradigm shift to the Connection Economy we can suddenly dance with our fears. Because we are not alone anymore. We can now find our tribe and help each other out. If we make something that someone don’t like we can now say: It’s not for you.

If we are trying to please everyone, we will end up pleasing no one — Seth Godin 

Be incredibly generous and connected to a community that will help all of us, to do more and better art.

Go make a Ruckus! Be a Ruckusmaker!

Screenshot 2015-02-24 10.51.04

Go make a Ruckus!

Go make a Ruckus!


Here you can listen to my thoughts on the subject in my 8 minute pod:


Holistic Thinking Ninja

Here you can see my presentation in Swedish

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