David Attenborough

You have certainly seen David Attenborough before. But have you seen him like this. As one of Earths leading naturalist he talks about how the population growth is one of the largest challenges that we have to come to terms with here on earth.

Points from David Attenborough

  • Earths population increases every week with 1.5 million people. Half of them live in urban areas. That means a new large city every week with everything that comes with it. Roads, Sanitation, Housing, Healthcare and so on.
  • We must lift the taboo to talk about stopping population growth. Start talking about it today and spread the word!
  • It remains an obvious and a brutal fact. That on a finite planet population growth will quite defiantly stop at some point. And that can only happen in one of 2 ways. It can happen sooner by fewer human births. The alternative is an increased death rate. The way that all other creatures will suffer. Famine, Decease or War.
  • The goal for you is to: Reduce over time, the average consumption of resources per person and the number of people doing the consumption.
  • You should visit www.populationmatters.org where David is a patron to see what can be done.
  • The fishing-fleet use modern technology to vacuum the oceans clean from fish. We can easily use technology to control the oceans instead. We just lack the political will to make sure that we can feed our children with fish too. You must make sure our politicians know this!

/Michael Sillion
Follow me at Twitter: @LordSillion

TED and Sustainability


Yesterday I was and saw TEDxLive here i Gothenburg streaming live from TED 2012 Full Spectrum. The Session I was most interested in was Earth so I will talk about that one.

Save Sacred Headwaters

It stared with Wade Davis talking about saving Sacred Headwaters in Canada from an environmental disaster by exploiting it and turning it to a toxic wasteland. Please don’t ruin this nature because it can not be undone!

James Hansen on Climate Change

Later I saw James Hansen talking about the science behind climate change. It’s looking pretty grim and if the climate change spirals out of control there will be no end to the droughts and storms. The result is not enough food for earths population of 9 billion. 100% of the attendees where in favor for a CO2 tax.

Global meltdown – Fear will save us

Now on to the meat of my blog. By today the first two sessions from Tuesday have been put up too. First I saw Paul Gilding: The Earth is full.

We have known for at least 3 decades that we are going down and yet we haven’t done anything that points in the right direction. 2011 was the worst year ever here on earth for us.

So what are you going to answer when your children and grandchildren ask what did back in 2012. What did you do mom and dad?
Maybe fear is the only emotion that will see us through this. Things will get ugly and it will happen soon. When we feel fear and we fear loss we are capable of quite extraordinary things.

We are smart, in fact we really are quite amazing and we do love a good crisis. And the good news: This is a monster. We need accept our fear and then we need to act. We need to act like our future depends on it! We need to act like we only have one planet. We can be more, we can be much more.

What do we wanna be when we grow up on this planet? This could be our finest our!

Do we have Abundance hear on Earth?

I also saw Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future that actually talked before Paul Gilding. He is much more optimistic futurist.

Yes we have an amazing knowledge about how to save us self but we aren’t doing anything. Not nearly enough. Our knowledge in science and technology are amazing but we have to wield it for the good of the human race not for everyone’s own pleasure as we do today.


All this brings me back to Will Day and his speach from TEDxWWF last october: Is the world’s current economic model really sustainable?

The Earth will be fine! We will not!

I can only feel that to save us we need to come together like never before using the internet and social media to bring about a whole new society. A new global civilization. It is time to ReCivilize this planet with a ReCivilization like Don Tapscott said in his very long Global Keynote during Social Media Week 2 weeks ago.

Do see the Global Keynote and listen to the 5 part podcast.

Lets make the World Co-Op!

/Michael Sillion
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